I decided that this year I’ll set myself a couple of challenges.
I’ve got loads of unread books so I’m going to try and read two books a month. Ok that may not seem like much of a challenge, however I’m a really slow reader so it takes me ages to get through a book. I’ve already finished one this month and have 100 pages to go on the second one.
The next set of challenges is to complete all my unfinished needlework:
I’ve got 10 ‘rounds’ to do on my crotchet blanket.
I’ve got another 44 eight inch squares to knit then stitch them together to form a blanket.
I’ve got two cross stitch projects to complete. Both have nine pages of charts and I’ve done four and half out of 18….
Looks like it’s going to be a busy year !!!!
Gosh, you have a full list there! I'm an incredibly slow reader too. Two books a month sounds so ambitious to me! Let me know how you get on.
John can read a book a week, so can my daughter. Blowed if I can.
How are you getting on? Are you recovering well. Sorry I haven't been around xxx
I'm beginning to think that two books a month is a little ambitious. I'll have to choose ones with large print and not too many pages.
John can read a book in a flash - must be something to do with the name John !!!
I'll keep updating with my progress - or more likely, lack of ....
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