Saturday, October 29, 2005

New neighbours

Dennis our next door neighbour moved house on Thursday. We didn’t actually notice he was missing until late yesterday afternoon. Just goes to show what good neighbours we are….

Him and his family were moving some furniture into a trailer box on Thursday but we thought no more about it as he never mentioned an actual moving date. Do you think he was trying to tell us something ! ! !

Thinking his departure was imminent we bought him a bottle of whisky and a good luck in your new home card at Morrisons on Thursday night.

Next morning this car wasn’t at the door but we didn’t think anything peculiar about it as he was often out early.

When I came home from the childminders (my mam’s but we always call it the childminders) I couldn’t put my car in the garage as a car was blocking the door. I was not impressed. Of all the places to leave a car etc, etc.

I drove round to the front of the house and just as I pulled up out side ours I spotted two strangers come out of Dennis’s. Could they be the garage blockers. I decided to follow them and find out. Sure enough it was.

So it appears that Dennis has done a runner. What of his whisky. Well, he’ll have to come back shortly as I’ve got make to him 2 dozen mince pies and a Christmas cake…..


1 comment:

Paul said...

Spare bottle of whisky?

*Checks train times Southampton - Fulwell*