Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Even busier bees

Sorry folks for the lack of blogs. We’re at the busy stage with Blackpool conference so I’m afraid we just haven’t had the time to do any blogging.

My gala dress is nearly finished. All I have to do is finish off hand stitching the hem. I’ve even managed to make two tops so hopefully one of them will be worn on the Friday night at Blackpool.

To my blog chums. I’ll try and pop over to say hello. However if I don’t the chance for a few days, please don’t think I’m ignoring you…


Monday, March 09, 2009

Busy bees

With less than three weeks to go before Blackpool conference, things are starting to get a bit busy in the BOGOF household.

Our dining room currently has eight large boxes of edibles for the conference packs standing on the floor and in another corner are boxes of note pads and folders. As the conference gets closer and closers, the dining room gets fuller and fuller.

We’re starting to get various queries from delegates which at times can be quite amusing. I’d love to write a ‘Conference Babylon’ but as I value my life, I’ll have to wait until we no longer organise them…

My gala dinner dress is slowly taking shape. Sadly it failed the first inspection from my mam so I’m having to re-do it ready for inspection number two on Friday.

Here's hoping she'll be happy with 'number two' or I'll have nothing to wear ! ! !


Thursday, March 05, 2009

Someone to watch over me

Yesterday and this morning my pains were really bad. I’d ran out of some of my painkillers and couldn’t pick up my prescription for some more until today.

This morning I had to go to two banks, pick up my prescription and then go to the chemist. Parking at all of this places is usually horrendous and given my pains I really couldn’t do with walking very far.

My Guardian Angel must have been looking out for me as I got parked no problem at all of the places, plus both of the banks were empty so I didn’t have to stand (which is something that really hurts) and there was only one person in front of me at both the doctors and the chemist.

If that wasn’t enough, my electric garage door worked first time *

Thank you Guardian Angel.


* the remote is temperamental at the moment so most of the time it won’t open the door, which means I have to park at the front, then wait for John to come home to open the door. Most annoying…

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Home alone

John's away on a course for work and won't be back until late tomorrow night so I've got the place all to myself.

Sadly no raves are planned for tonight. It's just me, a glass or wine (or two...), possibly some yummies from my birthday hamper, a DVD or two and some sewing.
