Sunday, November 04, 2012

New roof

Shortly after we moved into our house we build a garage at the back of the house. Who needs to use a trowel when bricklaying – that’s what’s fingers are for !!!

Over the years the wind, rain and the snow have taken its toll on roof. When it rained you had to pick your way very carefully in the garage to avoid stepping into the huge puddles.
At the beginning of the year John had to do an emergency repair to the roof as the strong wings began lifting the roof panels. One panel broke off and ended up down the back lane. Thankfully John had kept some spare panels so was able to do a patch up repair but what it really needed was a new roof.


Maxi/Ruby (they both look alike) inspecting the new roof….


1 comment:

Jennysmith said...

Wonderful. Proper action shots there. Nice touch with the cat too.

Hope its okay now

H xxx